
The idea of Astronaut.it was born few days later the visit of Duran Duran in Milan on 8th Oct 2004.
I was happily pleased to see how many people were out of Radio Deejay Studios as well in Piazza Duomo for MTV programme TRL and I understood that the Fan-Community was still alive!!!

I created a mini-website collecting all photos that I took as well the ones that I received from the other “reporters”.
The energy and the enthusiasm that I found in every mail I received gave me the idea to create a new and better organized site, where Italian and Foreing DD Fans could interact and share the same great passion.

Astronaut.it borned in this way. The Members of the Community are both guests and protagonists. Everybody can improve our Website giving his own help by sending unpublished works, news got also by un-official sources and suggesting new matters to be discussed in the Forum.
Astronaut.it is not only a site where You can update and get information about the Fab5, but it is a meeting-point for those who never stopped being : “A Genuine Fan of Duran Duran”!

Special thanks to Antonio, Paola and Joe who believed in this work since the beginning.